New Era
In real estate transactions
The great revolution in Era 4.0 - The perfect combination between:
People + Artificial intelligence + real estate + financial investment
To help you understand the risks, please read the following information carefully:
1. Systemic risk: Also known as market risk, includes risks affecting the whole market such as interest rate fluctuation risk, currency risk, commodity price volatility risk, and credit risk and liquidity risk. These are inevitable risks when contributing money, partners, even if they contribute money to anyone and in any field, must be ready to face these risks.
2. Non-systematic risk: is the typical risks of each sector or each person. Because these are typical risks, not all partners bear this risk together.
The partners need to continuously monitor the fluctuations of the market every hour and make reasonable decisions and limit errors in the process of contributing money.
Above are my warnings to partners, we wish you the best profit goals.